Languishing and How to Beat the 2021 Blahs.

If you’re feeling like you’re not quite thriving but more than surviving these days, you may be experiencing a feeling called “Languishing”.

If you’re feeling like you’re not quite thriving but more than surviving these days, you may be experiencing a feeling called “Languishing”.

Well over a year into the pandemic (colloquially known as “the panoramic” now) many of us are having difficulty feeling optimistic about summer and the rest of 2021. Although the country’s vaccination program is well underway and summer weather is on the horizon, it’s hard to be hopeful about an almost normal summer for this year. 

Not quite thriving, but more than surviving?

If you’re feeling like you’re not quite thriving but more than surviving these days, you may be experiencing a feeling called “Languishing”. Languishing is defined as failing to make progress or to be successful. It can leave one with a feeling of idleness and insignificance. As the pandemic continues and progress feels slow and uncertain, many of us are collectively feeling a sense of this as a result. 

There are a few easy and simple ways we can help get past this feeling of stagnation in our lives. And one of them is called “flow” - which is “to become absorbed in a meaningful challenge or a momentary bond” says Adam Grant, organization psychologist at Wharton, the author of “Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know” and the host of the TED podcast WorkLife.

How do you get into “flow”?

You can read a book with a gripping story, or binge a Netflix series and form a bond with a character, play an attention-absorbing game for a few hours. While this may sound counterintuitive, getting immersed and finding the motivation to complete new challenges can be difficult to do when you can’t focus due to Languishing. Giving yourself something easy to get absorbed into and indulge in right now might be exactly what you need to get there.

Beat Languishing, but how?

Help yourself beat Languishing by giving yourself dedicated, uninterrupted time. If you’re lucky enough to have the motivation and focus to start a challenging project - be it either personal or professional, it’s important to establish boundaries and give yourself dedicated uninterrupted time to make progress. Whether it’s daily or a few times a week, schedule that time into your routine and be firm in your commitment to yourself. Let family/household members know ahead of time and ask that they respect this as well. A sense of progress is an important part of feeling happy and content daily. Establishing uninterrupted work time that suits your life and schedule can help you create that.

Set small goals

Another way we can help ourselves surpass Languishing is by starting and focussing on a small goal. Try setting aside some time daily to work towards a small, easy challenge that has meaning to you. It can be something as simple as finishing a book or taking the time daily to reconnect with old friends virtually, even beating a challenging puzzle or game. Starting with small wins can be a small step towards improving your state of mind.

While it may not seem like a big challenge to complete these small goals, doing so can sometimes help with finding the energy and motivation that’s been lost over the past year and be hopeful for a return to a near-normal life soon.

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Languishing and How to Beat the 2021 Blahs.